Adrian Broca




Adrian Broca is a visually impaired sub 3-hour marathon runner. His wife, Brenda Aréchiga has run four marathons, each one in a triumphant 6-hour finish.

For the better part of two years they trained with the same running club, crossing paths at almost the same point every Saturday morning. One fateful Saturday they narrowly avoided crashing into one another at the top of the Santa Monica Pier.

In 2007 their lives finally formed an intersection when Brenda was Field Producing stories for the Los Angeles Marathon broadcast on KNBC and its Spanish-language counterpart, Telemundo. Adrian was assigned to her as a story.

For the last 6 years, Brenda and Adrian have been part of a rarefied marriage that straddles two worlds: the sighted world and the non-sighted. This brings with it a whole set of unique challenges, comedic moments and revelations of the self.

We have learned that in life as in the sport of distance running, it’s not about the struggle. It’s about the strife we overcome together and everybody needs a guide runner.

